
Passage Lookup    

Colossians 1:1-8 Question(s):

Describe the Colossian Christians. What is the source of their hope? Do you or people you know have hope like the Colossian Christians?

Food For Thought:

Christ gives hope. His pardon erases guilt. His power breaks bad habits. His purpose transforms problems. His protection relieves fear. His provision supplies needs. His promise secures a future. – Points from Sermon of Steve Ramsdell


Hope is important because it builds expectations for the future. The more we hope for the reward in the other world, the more freedom we have in doing good while on earth. Pray for the day ahead and use hope as one of those tools to building a successful day.

Colossians 1:9-14 Passage Lookup


What do these verses teach about prayer? What things has God done for the Colossians?


How You Live – Point of Grace


During your prayer, set a time period aside to listen. Receive instructions on how to live and don’t hesitate to apply them.

Colossians 1:15-23 Passage Lookup  


What is the purpose of the cross? What is Christ’s final goal for you? What is your part in the realization of this goal?

Food For Thought:

If life seems useless, tiresome, dull or insignificant; remember life is designed for eternity. Get to know God, strive to be like Christ, and share life’s purpose with others. – Paraphrase from idea expressed in sermon of Steve Ramsdell


Each person has a purpose and that is to be the hands and feet for God. Pray that you will live so that everyone knows you’re a Christian. People will see it in your actions at home, in your neighborhood, at work, and when you are just having fun around your friends.

Colossians 1:24-29 Passage Lookup  


What is the revealed mystery? How does Paul accomplish the goal God has given him? How can you?



Most companies give a morning, lunch, and afternoon break. Some may get coffee, soda, or a candy bar to provide energy to make it through the day. Today, go through this devotional and say a prayer during your break. Experiment – find out if desire for Christ in your heart can also provide refreshment and energy.

Colossians 2:1-7 Passage Lookup    


To what riches and treasures does Paul refer (See verses 2-3 and 1:27)? How can you live in or be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ today?

Food For Thought:

Break the chains of the future by innovating constantly & transforming consistently. What used to work may not work anymore so it’s important to let God be a part. He’s on the cutting edge of everything. – Point made in sermon of Pastor Steve Ramsdell


In this passage, Paul talks about wisdom and knowledge. He explains that the treasures of wisdom are found in Christ and make a soul rich. Think of our society today. We have electronic gadgets and computer applications to help make decisions. We can be thankful for these technological advancements but in your prayer today, be especially thankful for God’s word and Spirit that gives the best information for the course we should take in life. Be thankful for the bible which gives good advice with a playbook on how to live. Be thankful that Jesus has given us an example to follow and that the Holy Spirit counsels as we make decisions.

Colossians 2:8-15 Passage Lookup    


What has happened to you because of the cross? What has happened to principalities and powers because of the cross?



Think about what you might pray for today. It might be a disappointment. Maybe your favorite sports team didn’t win. Maybe something with your job didn’t quiet go as you had planned or someone said something that gave discouragement? Pray with thankfulness that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. We have in Christ a momentum changer. Pray for the ability to focus on the One who is everything. Pray that this new focus builds momentum not only for your day but in the day of a few people you know.

Colossians 2:16-19 Passage Lookup    


Compare your part in the Christian community with the functioning of a body. Who is your head? How are you nourished? How are you held together? How do you grow?




Christ is the head of the church body. Local churches provide resources as we go through life. God’s way is a community of believers – a family, a friend, a small group, or Sunday school. Have a prayer today for your family and the activities you will be involved in today. But also set some time aside to pray for your local church and your community of believers. Pray for that there is a focus on Christ as the team leader.

Colossians 2:20 – 3:4 Passage Lookup    


What does this passage teach regarding rules for holy living? What commands are given to the person who has been raised with Christ? How can you commit your thought life to Jesus Christ today?



Put God first, pray, and ask for help in deciding what your plans should be. Choose God’s leadership as you listen, look, learn, love, laugh and are influenced by the Holy Spirit.

Colossians 3:5-11 Passage Lookup    


What sins does Paul enumerate? Compare the old and new natures. What is happening to your new nature in Christ?

Food For Thought:

In the game of life, there are only two teams – a winning team and a losing team. Which team are you on? If you’re like me, you want to make sure you’re on the winning team that will end up in Heaven. – Joe Gibbs, from the book “Game Plan for Life”  


Paul gives us a list of sins in this passage and writes about the new nature when one accepts Christ; guaranteeing a spot on the winning team. Be thankful that God has reserved a spot for you on His winning team. Pray for continued growth so you may develop a strong faith which is able to win the battles this broken world continues send our way.

Colossians 3:12-17 Passage Lookup    


What qualities are to be “put on”? List specific situations in which these qualities can show in your life today. 



The type of love God showed on the cross has a mixture of the qualities including compassion, kindness, and patience. Pray for opportunities to testify to God’s love by treating others with these same qualities. Make mental notes when you see these qualities exemplified. It will not only inspire you but give you evidence of love to share with those you care about.

Colossians 3:18-4:6 Passage Lookup    


How do verses 23-25 apply to your work today? List specific situations in which you can obey the commands concerning conduct and conversation.

Food For Thought:

There are huge dividends for doing God’s work. God’s bank never goes broke and there are rewards for encouraging others. In Christ, there is a reward and your needs will be met. – Point made in Sermon of Steve Ramsdell 


At work and at home, there are duties we have. Grant Teaff spoke about customer service and said he believes four things bring success: positive attitude, effort, discipline, and caring. Attention to the simple things is what leads to the most effectiveness. It’s the same with our duties at home like making sure a child does homework or helping with homework, encouraging a child or spouse, doing yard work. At the end of the, sit down in prayer with God and be thankful for the chance to fulfill these duties. The true rewards are not nice cars, houses, or cloths but how God is at work through you.

Colossians 4:7-18 Passage Lookup    


What have the other Christians in this passage done for Paul? How do you pray for and encourage other Christians? With whom can you share what you have learned from this letter?

Food For Thought:

We all face circumstances that scare us but if we choose the side of good, the availability of a great power is present; a power greater than our hopes and dreams can phantom. – Inspired by sermon, Steve Ramsdell


Courage is contagious. Paul was in prison and in a difficult circumstance but he took a stand and those around him caught his courage. Think about someone you know that needs courage today. Pray for them. It may be a young person facing peer pressure. It might be a new Christian facing criticism from non-believers. It may be a family member or friend that is trapped in a bad circumstance at home or at work.

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6 Responses to Colossians

  1. Because of this hope from the gospel, we can expect to change the world in every way, to succeed wildly at everything we touch, to have the broadest impact of any group in the world.


  2. Prayer fills the soul with the knowledge of God’s will in order to please God with joy and thankfulness. Through Christ, we receive the power to fulfill the mission God has for us.


  3. In you, the mystery of God’s Spirit lives and you can do things you never dreamed you could do. Because of the desire of Christ in your heart, anything is possible. Even possibilities you never knew about.


  4. Build momentum for life. Study the works of God and gain knowledge that builds faith. If in a rut going down the same disappointing path, make a bold change and focus on the One who is everything.


  5. Praise and worship the one true God. Like a brook of water that forever flows with living water, desire to be filled with forever grace that flows into the soul and is influenced by the Holy Spirit.


  6. Everyone is made in God’s image; therefore, we need to be loved and love others the way God showed on the cross. Faith makes it possible, having an example to follow makes it easier.


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