See How to Win Battles

For winning our battles in life, we need the proper spiritual weapons to face the enemy like the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. Reading today in 2 Kings 9, we continue to maintain and sharpen these weapons.

Noted today is that God has a big part in the revolution of Jehu against Joram. He gave instructions to Elisha to send one of his students with some olive oil to Ramoth Gilead and find Jehu who was one of the captains of the northern army. Then, to get Jehu alone and explain to him that his purpose was to destroy Ahab’s household. He then would pour some of the oil on Jehu’s head and declare that the Lord has anointed Jehu king over Israel.

The prophet carried out the instructions and told Jehu exactly what would happen. That Jehu would destroy the house of Ahab his master. That Jezebel would be devoured by dogs. Jehu had confidence because of this prophecy, and he could see how to carry out God’s purpose for his life. All happened exactly as prophesized. Because of accepting Christ in our heart, God has anointed us as a leader in His kingdom. Like Jehu, we have confidence to carry out His plan.

God accomplishes what He says by putting the right people in the right places with an army of angels protecting and watching over those doing His work. Today, because of God’s plan for us, we have Good News! By accepting Christ as Savior, we have right standing with God and He has given us confidence to accomplish great things for His purpose. Let us pray now for the instructions and set out to have a great day stepping ahead in a powerful way.

Accepting God’s love through Christ is the prerequisite to being victorious. Nothing is easy in this world because of evil against us but with Jesus, all is won so see the victory and you will never fail as grace will give power for you to prevail.

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3 Responses to See How to Win Battles

  1. Wow! This is stunning. “God accomplishes what He says by putting the right people in the right places with an army of angels protecting and watching over those doing His work.”


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  2. Pingback: Prevail and Never Fail | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

  3. Pingback: Spiritual Journey Through 2 Kings 7-12 | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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