Hear and Follow the Word

This day with God, let us hear and follow the Word. Let us use the power available because of Jesus and rely on the direction given by the Holy Spirit rather than our own course. Let us look forward to amazing things being done as difficulties become simplicities because of God’s love for us!

One of the great quotes from Billy Graham is, “I have good news! God knows you and takes active concern in your life. God thinks you are so bright and special that Christ was sent to die for you.”

In the study of the Word today, the king of Aram had mobilized his entire army and laid siege to Samaria which caused a great famine in the city. There was tremendous pain, suffering and the people were in a desperate situation.

Reading in 2 Kings 7, Elisha prophesizes that things will drastically change for the better. The prophecies made in verses 1-2 are fulfilled because God is in control. He has a plan for us and will not let the enemy take us over. This day with God, let us follow the plan and gain victory over the enemy.

In the passage today, we note that the Arameans had set up camp around Samaria, but the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses so they suspected the king of Israel had hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack them (v. 6-7). They immediately retreated from their camp and left everything they had behind.

Noted here is that the men with leprosy had no fear because they thought they were going to die. They decided to go into the camp of the Arameans and to their surprise, the camp was vacated so they ate and drank. Then took silver, gold, and clothes (v. 8). Then, fear started to set in when they had some of the riches of the world. We do the same in current times. We have courage when we have nothing to lose but fear sets in when we think we have a lot of worldly possessions that we could lose.

The fear made them think that they should share the good news with the king. The motivation was concern for themselves rather than for others. They reported to the royal palace that the Arameans were gone and about the treasure of silver, gold, and cloths they had left behind at the camp.

The king thought it was a setup. That the Arameans were tricking them to leave the city and then they would come in to overtake the city (v. 12). Sometimes we are so down in life that we lose hope like the king and the king’s officer. We have had so many bad things happen in life that we can’t believe it when good starts to happen. That’s why when we share about the Good News of Jesus that so many still do not believe.

It’s a challenge at coming up with ideas to better spread the Good News but is made easier when we are motivated by love for our neighbor. This day with God, let us help others focus on the positives of believing and experiencing the blessings. Telling others about the Good News of God’s unsearchable treasures available because of Jesus Christ who will give them a lift. When people know they’re loved, they loosen up, they will gain confidence, and they will enthusiastically report about this love to others.

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3 Responses to Hear and Follow the Word

  1. Amen! “This day with God, let us help others focus on the positives of believing and experiencing the blessings.”


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Share the Love of God | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

  3. Pingback: Spiritual Journey Through 2 Kings 7-12 | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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