Follow the Passion of Jesus

This day with God, we will tune into the Holy Spirit, get in the rhythm of the Father’s heart, and follow the passion of Jesus as we step ahead. Over and over again, the Bible teaches to align our heart and our mind with actions.

To align our heart and mind today, we are reading John 12:20-36, There were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Passover festival who wanted to see Jesus. They sought the Truth and we all need this Truth too!

Things may be obscure to some but obvious to those walking in the Light. Like when Jesus said in John 12:24 that many seeds are produced from the death of a plant or fruit. Many did not understand at the time, but now it’s easier to understand that the death of Jesus on the cross has produced seed that continues to multiple with each new believer.

Also, the seed of God’s Word grows into the fruits of the Spirit; building intangibles living inside each person to guide. These intangibles will shine the light on the path as we step ahead. There may be difficulties, but we will have the passion to keep going even when roadblocks are put up because we care more about God’s glory than our short term struggles.

If we follow the passion of Christ, we die to selfish desires in order to live for Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. – Galatians 2:20

By surrendering all, we carry out our call by following the passion of Jesus.

Reading further, Jesus said that the time was approaching for the Son of Man to be glorified (v. 23). Because of Jesus’ passion to follow through with His sacrificial death on the cross, we all have the opportunity to believe and receive eternal life.

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3 Responses to Follow the Passion of Jesus

  1. Beautiful post 🙏


  2. Pingback: Many Seeds | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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