Tag Archives: discouragement

Spring of Water

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal … Continue reading

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Desire a Breakthrough

The metaphor in Psalm 42 is a flowing stream constantly replenishing thirst just as the constant flowing of God’s grace replenishing the soul so let us be patient with God’s timing because there will be a breakthrough in our difficult … Continue reading

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Questions for Reflection for Study of Psalm 143-146

David was on the run as He wrote Psalm 139-142. He was running from Saul’s men who were sent to kill him. Saul was jealous of David and saw him as a threat to his power. David is discouraged, an … Continue reading

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Using The Skills He Gives

As I reflect upon the reading of 2 Chronicles 2 and posting yesterday, Solomon put a lot of people with various skills into place in order to build the temple. In the same way, think of ways you can use … Continue reading

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Memories That Inspire

My study of Ecclesiastes has come to a close. The lesson for me is to be able to look back on life with memories that inspire and to start building those memories now. To keep the lamp burning, add the … Continue reading

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