Things Fall In Place With Grace

Presented in “Going the Wrong Way” was how king Ahaz was leading his people the wrong way. He was a wicked king of Judah and his foolish actions included sacrificing his son in the fire as an offering to an idol.

Things domino from there as a coalition of Israel and Syria to the north invaded Judah inflicting heavy casualties. It was Judah’s darkest hour and Ahaz thought he had to go to extremes to get his situation straightened out so he paid Assyria to help in the war with gold taken from the temple.

We can be grateful that because of Jesus, we have a sure Way to get headed in the right direction when we get off track. All we need to understand is that His grace is enough. Then we can begin the process of correcting foolish actions with actions that are thought out so we can get back on track.

Let us worship today with the song Your Grace is Enough by Chris Tomlin and believe things will fall into place because of His grace.

Index of devotionals

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1 Response to Things Fall In Place With Grace

  1. Amen! “We can be grateful that because of Jesus, we have a sure Way to get headed in the right direction when we get off track.” So thankful.

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