Attitude of Gratitude

This day with God in reading 2 Kings 5, we learn more about humility and honesty. God’s words are flawless so let us be humble with an attitude of gratitude. Wanting to know where we fall short and what we need to do.

Reading today about Naaman who was commander of the army. Through him, the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but a very proud man that had some anger issues.

Naaman had leprosy and his wife’s servant suggested to Naaman’s wife that he go to Israel to get cured. She must have known about Elisha and that he could cure Naaman. Things were set in motion for Naaman to see the king of Israel but the king rejected to cure him. Elisha told the king to send the man to him.

Elisha didn’t meet Naaman in person but gave instruction to a messenger for Naaman to wash in the Jordan River seven times. This angered Naaman because he thought Elisha would personally meet him, lay hands on him, and heal him. He was skeptical of the instructions given by the messenger.

Naaman became angry but was calmed down by his servants and took their advice to go to the Jordan. He humbled himself, washed in the Jordan seven times, and was healed. Naaman was full of gratitude towards Elisha and wanted to pay for what Elisha had done but Elisha refused to accept anything.

Elisha told Naaman to go in peace. While Naaman was on his way home, greed overtook Elisha’s servant named Gehazi. He had heard what Naaman had offered Elisha, so he went after Naaman to get the payment he had offered. He made up a story that Elisha needed a talent of silver and two sets of clothing to give to two guest.

Upon returning, Elisha told Gehazi that his spirit had been with him and knew that he was not honest with Naaman. Because of his dishonesty, God judged Gehazi by giving him leprosy.

Gold is golden but truth is always truth whose value stays with us into eternity. Gold without pleasing God is not aligned with His plan. Let us obtain true treasure by building a life of refinement, character, and integrity. Nothing is worth more than wholeness, peace of mind, and a righteous soul.

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2 Responses to Attitude of Gratitude

  1. Excellent. “Gold is golden but truth is always truth whose value stays with us into eternity.”


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  2. Pingback: Humble and Honest | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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