One In Christ

In life, things are sometimes cloudy. We don’t completely understand and have a lot of questions, but with faith, we can look up high to gain a vision for the future. We pray for answers and for God to shine the Light.

At the Last Supper, Jesus said He would be with them for just a little longer and the disciples had questions, so things were cloudy for them too. In John 13:36 through 14:11, Peter asked Jesus where He was going. Jesus said they could not follow now but would follow later. Peter asked why he couldn’t follow now and that he would lay down his life for Jesus. That’s when Jesus told Peter that before the rooster crows, he would disown him three times (13:38).

Thomas was confused too and said that they didn’t know where Jesus was going so, they didn’t know the way. Jesus told them that He is the way and the truth and the life. That no one comes to the Father except through me (14:6). Phillip asked if Jesus could show them the Father. Jesus said that anyone who has seen the miracles, signs and wonders has evidence that the Father is in Him and they have seen the Father (14:11).

The takeaway from today’s passage for me is that our most precious and valued possession available to us and our greatest power is all found in the person of Jesus. Knowing what Jesus taught and applying what He taught should be our number one priority. If we know Jesus, we know the Father so let us work hard to keep the number one priority our number one. If we are one in Christ, things are not cloudy at all, but clear and bright.

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2 Responses to One In Christ

  1. Amen! “If we are one in Christ, things are not cloudy at all, but clear and bright.” So thankful for the light of Jesus.

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  2. Pingback: Clear and Bright | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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