Purpose Brings Composure

Many live a life full of stress and a lack of composure because of the desire to achieve beyond what they can accomplish on their own. What if the desire were to just do their small part in order that God’s purpose was carried out. There is a great destiny for all whose top priorities are to seek to know God’s Way, to be totally focused on His purpose for their life, and let the Spirit inside guide. 

We get the perfect example or role model today as we read John 13:1-11. We note that it is just before the Passover Festival and Jesus knew the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. His state of mind as the time of his death approached was one of composure even though He knew what He would have to go through.

It was the Last Supper Jesus would have with those he loved.  After the meal, He humbly started washing the feet of those around the table. He explained that no one is perfect and that everyone needed to be washed. To humbly accept to be washed by Jesus results in holiness and this will bring true happiness.

Humbleness + Holiness = Happiness

To have the same composure as Jesus when facing threatening situations, let us be washed by the cleansing properties of the blood of Jesus. We don’t need to know it all or do it all, but just do our simple part to fulfill our God given purpose. God will bring excellence to anything we do so simply find that purpose, accept God’s love, help others, promote His glory, and look forward to an amazing future.

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2 Responses to Purpose Brings Composure

  1. This is it: “To humbly accept to be washed by Jesus results in holiness and this will bring true happiness.”


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  2. Pingback: Purpose of His Will | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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