Walk in the Light

As we walk along the path, we have the Light to follow, Holy Spirit to guide, power to push us forward, and grace if we get out of alignment. These spiritual resources create integrity that will lead us to victory with blessings beyond what can be imagined.

Reading today in John 12:37-50, noted is that some saw the miracles of Jesus yet still did not believe. As was written in Isaiah 6:10, their eyes were blinded, and their hearts hardened so they couldn’t see the Light. On the other hand, many believed yet didn’t admit it openly because of the fear of the Pharisees. What they believed and what they did in life didn’t align with what they communicated.

What we believe, communicate, and do needs to be aligned. On a church bulletin was the following:

The fasting and prayer conference includes meals.*

Does something not seem right with this communication? When things don’t align, it makes things very difficult. It’s the same with our life plan. If it doesn’t fit with what God wants, it’s not going to work. We need to make sure our life plan lines up with what God has laid out in order to be assured of going down the path victoriously.

Another thought from reading today’s passage is that we love praise from others like doing a good job, making the grade, getting a promotion, etc. but how about praise of God?

Receiving approval from others gives a good feeling but is only short term. Approval from God brings joy forever! Jesus says in verses 44-50 that He came into the world as light so those who believe will stay out of darkness. They will be saved, but those who do not accept His words will be condemned.

 We are approved by God when we accept Jesus in our heart and that’s when victory in life truly takes place as the Spirit lives inside to guide as we walk in the Light of His goodness.

This day with You Lord, we are getting prepared for the challenges ahead. There are times when we fall short. What we say does not always align with what we do. We want to know where we fall short and what we need to do. Your Word helps us follow the path of Light and the Truth will set us free. We seek your approval each day as we step ahead in Jesus’ name, amen.

*Church Bulletin Bloopers – Seniorific News, Dec 2015

Photo Source – “Bing.” Microsoft. N.p., n.d. Web. Images >.

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2 Responses to Walk in the Light

  1. This is a great insight and much needed: “What we believe, communicate, and do needs to be aligned. ”


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  2. Pingback: Live in the Light | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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