On the Pathway to Passion

They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting,

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
“Blessed is the king of Israel!” – John 12:13

Shared in the post “Spirit Inside to Guide” was how Jesus put in the effort to care for people. He got on a donkey and the people waved palm branches as He was on the pathway to passion.

Jesus was ready to carry out His purpose as He surrendered all to fulfill His call. He loves you and He demonstrated that love on the Cross. You are a treasure beyond measure!

The Word is available to teach about how to live and He has sent the Holy Spirit to guide, so be drawn to Jesus to improve your life now and for eternity. Once your situation in life improves, express your thankfulness with songs like Gratitude by Brandon Lake and praise Him again and again.

Index of devotionals

Photo Source – “Bing.” Microsoft. N.p., n.d. Web. Images >.

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2 Responses to On the Pathway to Passion

  1. Excellent brother. Love this: “The Word is available to teach about how to live and He has sent the Holy Spirit to guide, so be drawn to Jesus to improve your life now and for eternity.”



  2. Alton Costa says:

    Amen, so important we remain teachable


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