Spiritual Journey Through John 9-11

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been looking at ways to apply the word found in John 9-11 and sharing some thoughts that not only can benefit you now but also help the next generation too! The greatest of all possessions one can hand off to future generations are the guiding principles taught from the Word of God.

Noticed in John 9:1-17 is the work of God is on display when Jesus healed the man born blind. Today, if we pay close attention, we can also see God’s work on display. Let us take every opportunity to notice this work and report it to others.

Discovered from John 9:18-41 is this new and improved reality that the evidence to know Jesus is God comes from the witnesses of His life as documented in the Gospel. Evidence is also received from sermons, from Sunday school lessons, from those that talk or sing about Him, and experiences in our own life.

From John 10:1-21, noted is that Jesus is the good shepherd or the Word in the flesh so you can listen, understand, and obey; be led to the green pastures, take in the principles taught by Jesus, and be able to apply these principles in how you live.

Pointed out in John 10:22-42 is that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is here with us as a friend, who reveals himself, and brings out the best in us. Let us feel His presence, listen to His voice, and take advantage of His instructions as we step ahead along this journey.

Ascertained from reading John 11:1-16 is Jesus’ willingness to die to accomplish God’s purpose. Let us take this encouragement and know God’s glorious power is available to conquer fear. We have all we need in order to courageously face the delays, disappointments, or other challenges this world sets before us.

A takeaway from John 11:17-44 is the need to rely on God to make things possible when it seems impossible. It’s when we hit a wall that the opportunity for the Lord to make the impossible possible exist. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can take on difficulty and figure out how to step ahead through it to the other side.

Uncovered in John 11:45-57 is the plot to kill Jesus. To get away for a while, Jesus went to a small village away from the public to stay with His disciples and prepare them for the rough days ahead. He gave up some comforts and went through adversity in order to fulfill His purpose; to die for the children of God and enrich the world.

God has a purpose for us too! In all stages of life be it a teenager deciding what type of career they would like to pursue, a college student, a young professional, a leader within a business or organization, or someone nearing or already in retirement. At all stages of life, the Bible is helpful in providing what is needed to do great things for God’s glory. If you have not done so yet, click the follow button to be notified of future post.

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1 Response to Spiritual Journey Through John 9-11

  1. Excellent brother. “At all stages of life, the Bible is helpful in providing what is needed to do great things for God’s glory. ”



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