Sail Away with Gusto

This day with God will be amazing because we will explore, dream, and discover more about God’s Word. We will get away from the comfort zone and sail away with gusto as we share today’s idea of winning by beginning.

Today, we sail on with the passage John 1:19-34 concerning John the Baptist who was questioned by the priests and Levites about who he was (v. 20). He said that he was not the Messiah but gave testimony that Jesus was the Lamb of God (v. 29) or Messiah who takes away the sins of the world.

Then the Pharisees questioned about his authority to baptize and John the Baptist explained that he baptized with water. The next day, he saw Jesus coming towards him (v. 29) and testified that Jesus is the one that will baptize with the Holy Spirit.

So John the Baptist explains about winning by beginning. That Jesus is the one that brings victory in life with a new beginning. Rather than offering sacrifices and following the Law of Moses for salvation, John the Baptist offered this better solution to salvation in the person of Jesus Christ.

We all know today that they didn’t believe John the Baptist even though Jesus was right before their eyes and performed miracles. This goes to show the challenges faced in sharing about Christ. That there is a miracle that can be received in simply believing in Christ and that there is absolute victory because grace wins all the time.

This raised the question: how can we bear witness to Christ? We have an opportunity each day with the people we interact with. There are days when things may not be going all that well. Those we interact with may be having a terrible day, but we can help them with a new beginning by simply offering encouragement. Then with this spark of encouragement, many will keep on going to this new and improved beginning as they then start to follow the Light until each day becomes brighter. So much brighter that they will encourage others to do the same.

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2 Responses to Sail Away with Gusto

  1. Amen brother! This will preach: “Jesus is the one that brings victory in life with a new beginning. ” So thankful to mighty King Jesus.


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  2. Pingback: New and Improved Beginning | This Day With God – A Spiritual Journey

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