Focus on the True Reward

From reading Romans 8:12-17, the Spirit empowered Christ to live a holy life which gives peace, sets one free, and provides courage. The Spirit is the true reward and those who accept Christ are also empowered. Each Christian has spiritually been born into the family of God as co-heirs with Christ.

Think about it … each Christian is a child of God; brothers and sisters that are adopted as His children and led by the Holy Spirit. They are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ who share in difficulties in order that they may also share in his glory.

Each day, think about the things of God and spend time nourishing the Spirit inside. Then your actions will match up to what God wants you to do with your life. Don’t get uptight about things. Enjoy each moment, let go of worry, and trust that everything will work out by just doing God’s will.


This day with You Lord, we are confident because You accept us as Your child. Because of this confidence, we can become better each day. Some days, we may miss the mark but because of Christ, we know we are forgiven. The path is cleared for us to make the needed adjustments and head in the right direction. Each day, we can start new with Your grace. Amen.

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