
I heard someone say once, if you pay attention to God, you are prepared for the world. If you pay attention to the world, you will become stressed and confused. For a Christian, the way to pay attention to God is found in three tools that God gives us. The first is His Word. The Bible is useful to teach us what is right. As the athlete gains stamina and strength with exercise, the Christian gains faith by reading the Bible. Faith grows the more the Bible is read. The second tool is the Holy Spirit. Through prayer we can receive directions and develop plans to be more self-disciplined. The third is the church where we have the opportunity to develop teamwork by learning together, caring for others together, and enjoying the company of friends together.

Step Ahead

Reflections on a pond

Reflect with God
to grow in faith
but reflect on the world
And thoughts become blurred.

Reflect with God
To know what is right
Gaining a strong faith
To win in your fight.

Reflect with God
Through daily prayer
To receive guidance
In how to take care.

Reflect with God
To develop plans
In how to grow
And be in good hands.

Reflect with God
To care for others
And always learn
From one another.

Poem by Mark Shields – © 02-7-2019

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4 Responses to Reflections

  1. Mrs.Holliman says:

    That’s right and can you follow me


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